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Western Competition - Indiana Grand Prix 2019

2. September 2019 | Sebeobrana Jiu Jitsu

Self-defence Jiu Jitsu

Article title

As usual, we took part in the western competition in Rýmařov on 3rd August.

We entered our family clan, Marcel, Michal and Marek Regmund. The youngest Míša was in the category of children up to 6 years, Marek in the category of children 7 - 10 years and Marcel entered the main competition "For the master of the whip". The competition is focused on hitting targets, from hunting cartridges, spaghetti, cups to extinguishing a candle flame in a separate part of the competition called "Zorro". The second part is the technique and style of whip cracking - the skill of wielding the whip. Basic whipping, combinations and continuity are evaluated. In the first part - whipping, Misha missed something here and there, but in the second part he fought hard, showed everything he had already learned and won his first gold in the western competition. Brother Marek had some seasoned opponents in the older category and he also tried to defend his title from last year and the year before. Fortunately, his nervousness soon left him and thanks to his accurate shots and good control of the whip, he managed to win gold this year as well. The main winner in the adult category and "Master of the whip" was Marcel Regmund.

Jana Regmundová

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