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Honoring the memory of Jan Maniš

Datum: 8. September 2024 | Místo: Kostel v Ratiboři

Choir of CCE

Article title

The ceremony takes place on Sunday, September 8, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. in the church.

The Czech Brethren Evangelical Church in Ratiboř and the Ratiboř Municipal Office are organizing a memorial ceremony to commemorate the memory of the evangelical preacher and fighter for religious freedom Jan Maniš from Ratiboř on Sunday, September 8, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. in the church.

Biblical editorial: RADEK HANÁK, pastor of the ČCE in Růžďka
Lecture: David Valůšek, director of the State District Archives in Zlín Klečůvka

The ensemble Zvonky Dobré právy led by Michal Děckuláček and the choir led by Růzena Hříbková will perform.

Children's program and refreshments provided.

You are all cordially invited.
Plakát Honoring the memory of Jan Maniš

Photo gallery 12 fotek


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