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Collection for reconstruction

12. April 2024 | Sbor ČCE

Choir of CCE

Article title

...of social facilities at the rectory

Special purpose collection

for the reconstruction of social facilities in the rectory building.

These are primarily TOILETS, which are outdated and inadequate. Everyone can be convinced of this already upon entering the vestibule of the rectory. This condition has to be endured not only by regular participants in religious services, but also by employees of MAS Střední Vsetínsko, representatives of the relevant municipalities, mayors and many other visitors who come to the rectory on business.

Reconstruction is indeed necessary. We are therefore appealing for a financial contribution not only to members of our parish church, but also to other supporters, individuals or companies. Please help us resolve this situation. You can submit your contribution either in the parish office or to the church account with the note RECONSTRUCTION.

The account number is: 187315570/0300 (Postal Savings Bank)

A sincere thank you to all who contribute. God bless you.
J. W. Jelinek, parish priest R. Hříbková, curator

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