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Ping pong tournament for the Mayor's Cup

25. May 2015 | Ping-pong


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The tournament took place on 23 May 2015.

Eighteen athletes participated in the table tennis tournament, of which only three were children. Two young "ogres" also played the main competition with the men.
The 1st children's gift basket was awarded to Halmaznova Elishka, the 2nd place went to Březina Adam and the 3rd place went to Večeřa Staňa. Both boys received a chocolate prize.

The main competition was played in two groups, followed by a play-off. 1. Čevela Martin, 2. Solanský Robert, 3. Vaculík Jiří, 4. Barvík Petr, 5. Vítek Lukáš, 6. Kovalda Karel.

1. Večeřa Staňa st., 2. Palacký Roman, 3. Plšek Vlastík, 4. Javořík Rost'a st., 5. Halmazňa Jiří, 6. Zubík Gustav.

1st place: Čevela Martin from Bystřičky (tennis club Ratiboř), 2nd place: Solanský Robert from Kateřinice, 3rd place: local Barvík Petr (tennis club Ratiboř), 4th place: Palacký Roman from Hošťálková. The competition was agile, fast and well organized by all members of the table tennis club Ratiboř. The game was played on five tables. The three Mayor's Cups and gift baskets were handed over personally by the Mayor Jiřina Sklenská. All participants received a material prize and sweet gifts. The ping pong was played at a high level with quality participation.

On behalf of the Ratiboř Table Tennis Club and the organizers
Jiří Vaculík and Gustav Zubík

Photo gallery 27 fotek


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