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Modernisation of the collection yard - 3rd stage

20. April 2021 | Odpadový systém

Article title

The collection yard is temporarily moved to the yard of the neighbouring garages in Červeny from 15 April 2021.

In April, the 3rd stage of the modernisation of the collection yard began. We plan to lay new asphalt, repair the fencing and build new lighting, including a camera system. A compactor for plastics and paper will be purchased. By compacting the raw materials, we will save on transport costs when taking them to Technical Services, as the containers will not be taken away half empty. We will also purchase smaller waste containers. We will use the grant to purchase car trailers that citizens will be able to borrow for a fee.

This action was supported by the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic with CZK 2 416 975, which is 85% of the total amount. The municipality will pay its own share of CZK 426 000.

Update March 2021

The tender for the technology supplier is underway and the implementation is expected to start in April 2021.

Update April 2021

A new asphalt surface has been laid and concrete troughs have been installed along the entire length for rainwater drainage. In addition, the two fences were connected and the fencing was repaired.

Work is now underway to install new lighting and CCTV. During the holiday season, a plastic and paper compactor will be delivered. Four smaller waste containers have also been ordered.

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