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Why are non-functioning energy saving lamps and other electrical equipment recycled?

29. February 2020 | Odpadový systém

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Most of us already know that we need to recycle old linear or energy saving lamps. But not everyone knows why and what their fate is.

The recycling of non-functioning fluorescent lamps is important for two reasons. The first is to protect the environment from mercury, which is present in small quantities in these products. One energy-saving fluorescent lamp contains 3-5 mg of mercury. At concentrations many times higher, this poisonous substance can damage not only the environment but also our health.
The second reason is material reuse, which currently reaches more than 90% for fluorescent lamps and other light sources. The use of recycled materials in further production saves natural resources.
Since 2005, the non-profit collective system EKOLAMP has been engaged in the take-back and ecological recycling of lighting equipment and has also provided these services for our municipality. Residents of our municipality can hand in not only non-functioning light sources, but also other electrical equipment free of charge at the collection yard Ratiboř 77 local location Červené and in the entrance lobby of the Municipal Office Ratiboř in a small collection container or in the electrical shop when buying new ones.
From the collection points, EKOLAMP takes light sources and other electrical equipment for ecological recycling, thanks to which secondary raw materials, especially metals, plastics and glass, are recovered for reuse. Aluminium, brass and other metals can be reused in metal production, recycled plastics are used to make e.g. paving stones or fence panels, and glass is used as a technical material. Recycling also involves the environmentally friendly treatment of hazardous substances contained in some electrical equipment (e.g. mercury in fluorescent lamps).
Through EKOLAMP, 719 t of used light sources were recycled in 2018, representing more than 20 kg of mercury that did not enter the environment thanks to the take-back. Unfortunately, many Czech households still do not recycle and throw smaller electrical equipment, including energy-saving fluorescent lamps, into municipal waste. You can help change this situation.
You can find out more about the issue of disposal of non-functioning fluorescent lamps and other electrical equipment at

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