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Changes in waste collection

20. December 2023 | Odpadový systém

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As of 1 January 2024, there will be quite drastic changes in waste collection dates.

We are still waiting for the delivery of the new collection vehicle, which should start running in our village in February, but because we had to deal with an operational failure on the part of Mr. Těhan's collection company, we have been lent a spare cuckoo from the supplier until the new vehicle is delivered.

We will now be collecting both municipal and sorted waste ourselves. To reduce the cost of waste disposal, we want to take the opportunity to take the waste directly to the landfill in Morkov/Zivotice.

There is a big difference if we take municipal waste to the reloading site of the Technical Services in Bobrky, where we pay CZK 2,400 per tonne of waste, or if we take the waste directly to the landfill, where we currently pay CZK 1,250 per tonne (prices are without VAT). For an average collection, we take out 8 to 10 tonnes of waste, which is a saving of more than CZK 10,000 per collection.

For these reasons, several changes need to be made:

Municipal waste collection will continue to be fortnightly, but will be spread over two days

The reason for this is that the landfill in Morkov closes at 2:30 p.m. and the last cuckoo will clear at 2:15 p.m. Since we cannot collect the entire village in one day, we are unable to take all the waste to Morkov in one day.

We have decided to divide the village into two halves. The dividing line is the main road, which runs practically through the middle of the village.

So if you stand imaginatively at the HORA guesthouse on the main road towards Vsetín:

  •     the left side of the village will be collected on Tuesday (church side, direction Kateřinice etc.)
  •     the right side of the village will be collected on Wednesday (Sokol Hall side, direction Kobelné/Hološín etc.)

This way you can easily find out which day the bin will be collected from your home. For clarity, both sides of the village are colour coded in the photo on the next page.

Bag collections of paper, plastic and metal will now be monthly

Due to minimal interest, glass will no longer be collected directly from homes. Please use the green containers located at the collection sites to sort glass, or you may drop off glass at the collection yard.

The individual components of the sorted waste will now be collected once a month. This is because it will no longer be possible to take everything in one collection.

Fridays will remain as the collection day, but will be collected separately:

  •     plastics, tetrapack and residual metals
  •     paper, cardboard and cardboard.

It will now be possible to drop off bags of sorted will also be collected at the collection yard, where they will be collected from codes will be loaded into the system from next year.

A brand new feature will be the introduction of collection of organic waste directly from households

Special brown bins (240 litres) will be distributed to households during March and a fortnightly collection of organic waste will be introduced. The bins will be labelled directly with what belongs in them. For example, branches do not belong in the BIO bins. You can still take these to collection points.

The weekend collection points for BIO and branches will be will continue to be maintained and will also be equipped with brown
containers for BIO waste.

For clarity, please find attached the collection calendar, which can also be found here:

With these changes, we are trying to become as self-sufficient as possible and reduce costs in waste management.
Thank you all for your understanding and helpfulness in dealing with waste in our municipality.

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