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Waste management 2023

14. June 2023 | Odpadový systém

Article title

News in waste management

As part of waste management, we are currently solving a very pressing problem. Mr. Petr Těhan's towing company informed us that their vehicle is in an emergency condition and it is only a matter of time before it stops working completely. If should this happen, the company does not intend to continue collecting municipal waste in our territory. We are therefore in danger of being left completely without the possibility of tying up the bins. However, this news comes at a time when our municipality received a subsidy for a new collection vehicle and bins for organic waste. So we are currently negotiating with a collection company to keep collecting municipal waste until the purchase of a new vehicle.

Our effort has been to purchase a "cuckoo truck" for a long time so that we can be independent in the field of waste management and achieved greater savings. This was achieved by obtaining a subsidy from the Environmental Operational Program, when a call for collection equipment was announced for municipalities with up to 2,000 inhabitants. We developed a project to deal with bio-waste in the village, which includes the purchase of 240 liter dustbins for all households and their regular collection. The call was announced very unexpectedly and it was necessary to react quickly. We have submitted a request on time and we were successful. Overall, this is an investment for CZK 8,600,000, of which CZK 4,816,000 is a subsidy (56%) and we will pay CZK 3,784,000 from our own resources.

This is a fundamental step in the field of waste management, when we will be self-sufficient and we will be freed from dependence on collection companies. It is a fundamental stabilization of our waste system. Our goal is to be as self-sufficient as possible in the area of waste collection and to establish as much cooperation as possible with end processors. As an example, I will give municipal waste, when we try to take it directly to the landfill without using the transfer station in Bobrky, because this service significantly increases the price of waste. We hand over furniture and wood from the collection yard to Cronospan Jihlava, where this waste is intended for direct processing or energy use. More and more municipalities and micro-regions are moving in this direction, trying to become independent and as independent as possible in the area of waste.

Martin Žabčík / mayor


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