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Waste management

2. October 2021 | Odpadový systém

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a phenomenon that we deal with in virtually every issue of the Newsletter

From the beginning of July, we introduced a change in the waste management system in our village, when we proceeded to reduce the frequency of municipal collection to fortnightly and at the same time established 8 collection points for the weekend collection of organic waste.

Two months have passed since the introduction of the new waste system and we can state that the changes have brought about its fruit. Although we are in the main collection season and the number of bins per collection has increased by approx. 90, we export approximately 12 tons less municipal waste to the landfill per month compared to June, which are beautiful numbers. Such a result is really surprising. It can be seen that both measures that were put in place worked very well and were a good combination. There was less bio-waste in the bins, which was moved to the collection points. It can also be seen that the cut grass has already disappeared from the banks of the stream in many places.

We have also noticed an increased interest in bag collection of sorted waste. The amount of sorted plastics, paper, glass and iron is also increasing. So it turned out that these were systemic steps that lead to a significant reduction in the production of municipal waste in our municipality. With this approach, at least this year we will be able to keep below the threshold of 200 kg of municipal waste per person and we will not have to increase the fee for landfilling, which was threatened in June. If the trend is maintained, where the monthly production of municipal waste will be 10 tons lower on average, there will also be a significant financial saving, equivalent to about 230,000 CZK per year. It is really an enormous drop in municipal production, for example, in previous years, when sorting was started or the network of collection points was expanded or bag collection was introduced, municipal production was reduced by an average of 10 tons per year.

If we maintain the current trend, it will be 100 to 120 tons per calendar year.And that's a big difference. In this way, we must thank and appreciate all of you who joined the system. The only negative phenomenon we noticed during the summer was the smell, which was mentioned by several citizens. Here we can only recommend regular maintenance of the waste container and placing the dustbin somewhere in the corner of the garden or yard, where it will not be a problem.

According to the new law on waste, this year we as a municipality are obliged to draw up a new decree on the collection and separation of waste. Since the system has worked, there is nothing preventing the decree from including an incentive program that will reward households that try to reduce waste production. Details can be found in the December issue of the Newsletter.

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