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Hunting seminar

Datum: 23. February 2023


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The seminar took place on Thursday 23rd of February 2023 at the Community Centre...

The traditional hunting seminar for the general hunting public was organized by the District Hunting Association Vsetín this year as well. On the afternoon of Thursday 23rd of February 2023, over 200 hunters from all over Moravia gathered in the newly built Community Centre in the village of Ratiboř. The longest journey was made by fellow hunters from Bratislava.

The role of the main lecturer this time was invited Mgr. Vladimír Bádr, PhD., a well-known expert and specialist in determining the age of game. The first topic he introduced to the numerous listeners was the preparation of hunting trophies and the procedures that lead to quality preparation of trophies, especially of game animals. He also focused on the mistakes that are often misplaced and can lead to irreversible damage to valuable trophies.  After the discussion on this topic, Ing. Václav Tlapák, Ph.D., who lectured the attendees on the correct actions after hunting game towards dermoplastic preparation. He ended his lecture with a practical demonstration of some advantageous procedures in fox skinning. The final part of the seminar belonged again to Mgr. Badr, who explained the age determination procedures for the main game species. The topic was again concluded by an extensive discussion between the participants and the lecturer.

Visitors of the seminar went home late in the evening. A big thank you to the municipality of Ratiboř, members of the MS Ratiboř Červené and all those who contributed in any way to the success of the meeting.

Ing. Michal Zubíček
Chairman of OMS Vsetín

Photo gallery 7 fotek


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