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General Meeting of the Hunting Society

Datum: 6. July 2022


Article title

On July 6, 2022, the General Meeting of the Ratiboř Honebological Society was held.

Mr. Bohumil Zbranek was elected as the new mayor of the Ratiboř Hunt Society. Afterwards, the traditional meeting of hunting land owners with members of the Hunting Association took place. The weather was nice, the people were pleasant, hunting specialties, goulash and tasty venison were served, along with beer and soft drinks.  

In short, a successful holiday afternoon in a nice environment of the hunting area Červené.


The Committee of the Ratiboř Hunting Association convenes the General Meeting of the hunting association, which will be held on Wednesday, 6 July 2022 at 2 p.m. in the hunting area in Ratiboř-Cerveny. All owners of hunting land included in the Ratiboř hunting ground are entitled to attend the meeting.

  1. Opening
  2. Report on activities over the past period
  3. Election of the hunting association committee
  4. Discussion – miscellaneous
  5. Conclusion
Plakát General Meeting of the Hunting Society

Photo gallery 24 fotek


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