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Wallachians are learning - KROJE

11. October 2021 | Valašský soubor KOSISKA

Wallachian ensemble KOSISKA

Article title

Non-formal education project for NGO staff

Within the framework of the project of the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education we implemented another activity of non-formal education. With the help of Michaela Bařinová, the children were introduced to the Wallachian costume, which they already know from their performances. Mrs. Bařinová presented its individual parts, its use in times when the costume was a common part of the wardrobe, and the fabrics used to make the costumes in an engaging way. The children improved their skills in putting on the costume and also the correct procedure for putting on the cloths. During the following rehearsal we tried everything with the older group of Scythes.

Photo gallery 11 fotek


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