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Summer "training camp" of sickle-cells

1. September 2020 | Valašský soubor KOSISKA

Wallachian ensemble KOSISKA

Article title

As a small "patch" for the long break, at the end of the holidays we gathered for two days with the most experienced Mowers in the premises of Svazarm to rehearse a band for the Otice Festival, to which our ensemble was invited.

The two-day camp was organized with the help of grandmothers, aunts, dads and moms, also cooks from the kindergarten and primary school Ratiboř :-). We would like to thank them all very much! During the time spent together, the children managed to brush up on songs and dances that they had not forgotten, and with enthusiasm they started trying out new steps and notes under the guidance of Anička Vaculíková from Liptal.

Photo gallery 3 fotek

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