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International Children's Folklore Festival

17. July 2024 | Valašský soubor KOSISKA

Wallachian ensemble KOSISKA

Article title

Performances of Czech, Slovak and Polish ensembles

On Children's Day, Kosács and CM Jarášek presented themselves at the International Children's Folklore Festival in Velké Karlovice. It was already the second experience with the international festival of our ensemble and again we did not lose our way among the children's groups such as Karlovjánek, Čižmičky, Vranečka, Maly Koniaków, Jatelinka, Kopaničiarik and Sedmikvítek. The children and the dulcimer music sang, danced and played for a large audience on an equally large stage and got a taste of the unique atmosphere of such events.

On arrival we were pleasantly surprised by the beautiful sunny weather. We unpacked all our belongings in the local primary school. Of course, there was a dress rehearsal of each group, including a joint entry and exit. After a delicious lunch we moved on to the classrooms where dressing, combing and tuning of instruments awaited us. We were then able to head off to the opening with a joint parade. During the performance, we got drenched several times by the Karlovian rain, which even the spectators were not afraid of, and we finished everything successfully. Thanks for the support of our friends and family members who kept their fingers crossed for us. 

Photo gallery 28 fotek


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