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Lucky day in Ratiboř

27. December 2018 | Valašský soubor KOSISKA

Wallachian ensemble KOSISKA

Article title

...the Wallachian song and dance ensemble KOSISKA walked around the village on 27 December 2018.

Wallachian lucky - the top of a fir branch with a bow Christmas carol - Koleda - the name of the all-Slavic custom, documented as far back as the sources go and always the same: a round of the buildings from Christmas Eve to New Year, rhymes, songs and games about the birth of the Lord, gifts from the locals. (from the book Merry Moments in the Life of the Czech People by ethnographer Čeněk Zíbrt) So come back with us a few decades and revive an ancient tradition. Three quarters of a century have passed since these words were written, and many things have changed; pacholata and pupils no longer go caroling in the countryside or elsewhere, but we still love the songs that were sung on this occasion. They captivate us with their simple poetry, the purity of their sincere emotion and the power of human love that is hidden in them. The time of Christmas has come again. I wish you a good day, higher water than fire.

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