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Night with Andersen

5. April 2022 | Knihovna


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On Friday 1 April 2022, the traditional Night with Andersen took place in Ratiboř.

We continued the proven cooperation between the school and the library and organized a fun and educational sleepover for the children, this year on the theme of birds. April 1 is not only April Fool's Day, but also International Bird Day. At 17.00, the pupils of the 4th grade gathered at the school and went to the library with their teacher Mrs. Juchelkova. There, librarians and Ratiboř bird breeders Mr. Zgabaj and Mr. Stříteský were waiting for them, who showed the children their exotic pets and talked about breeding and breeding competitions.

The main game followed, in which four teams of children went to different places near the library using the Actionbound app to solve ciphers. Some were challenging, but in the end everyone managed the route and found their "lost" bird. During the search, the children also met a mysterious gentleman - in the end, it turned out to be Hans Christian Andersen himself, strikingly similar to the librarian Bedřich Pišťák. We were glad that the children took up their tasks with real enthusiasm and zeal, which was certainly useful in the unexpectedly cold evening.

After dinner in the school canteen, which included pizza from Ogar, we moved to the beautiful school common room and directly followed up on the results of the crypto challenge - the teams were able to paint "their birds". For at this point our main guest, amateur ornithologist, beekeeper and writer Mira Urban, got to speak and created beautiful larger-than-life bird models for the children. This was followed by bird bingo and the identification of birds by their calls.

At the end of the evening programme, we started with the Folding Bird Atlas, which is part of the book Bird Watch also by Mira Urban. The most patient children finally folded and glued it all together! But doves and other original birds were also folded and we ended the evening with the animated film The Legend of the Owl Guardians. Teacher Tamara Juchelková spent the whole evening with the children, falling asleep right in their midst so that some would not feel sad or others too happy.

In the morning we were awakened by the bells of the Ratiboř church, and although it had snowed a little overnight, the more attentive sleepers could hear the birds chirping. The breakfast was a complete feast, as the mothers of Ratiboř provided their children with a plethora of buns, cakes, snails, cutlets and Christmas cookies. Afterwards, we caught a few more birds in the world's fairy tales, handed out the last of Mrs. Jakubik's lollipops, and the children began to head home. They got a magazine and a postcard as a souvenir and we believe that they also took away new knowledge and a lot of nice experiences.

Jana Vaculíková

Photo gallery 15 fotek


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