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Book news, November 2021

25. November 2021 | Knihovna


Article title

Come to the library in Ratiboř...

The phenomenal detective trilogy of "The Isle of Lewis", the relaxing "Christmas with the Smell of Fresh Bread", the spiritual and endearing "The Dalai Lama's Cat", the continuation of the much-loved "Country House" saga and the beginning of a new saga - "The Angel's Cafe", as well as the endlessly kind and touching "A Man Called Ove". That's the offer for adults.

For children we have more comics - "The Great Adventure of Pepi Roof" and "Mira", and also the already classic "Anne of Green Gables", which was missing in the library, the wacky "Hilda" and "Lena's Disasters" - a bit aimed at girls, boys will find their own in the next batch ;)

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