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Video tutorial for knitting tartar

9. April 2020 | Knihovna


Article title

Even though this year the tarts will probably be just for decoration, try to make this simple one at least as a decoration :-)

This year's Easter exhibition in the Sokol Hall was unfortunately not held, so we will at least show you a simple tutorial for knitting a tartar.

Sayings used in making pomlaza

"I cut the twigs by the brook,
a hawk is watching me,
"The hawk is grieving,
"that I'm cutting his wicker.
Come out of the water, hawkman,
we'll knit the memories,
...I'll tie one for you,
You'll sink to the bottom."

"I'm knitting, I'm knitting,
Come out of the water, hawk!
I'll knit them, with eight twigs,'ll give me an egg from two yolks,
from two yolks, from two whites,
then I'll whip you over the grasshopper."

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