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Night with Andersen

30. March 2015 | Knihovna


Article title

It took place on 27 March 2015.

This year's Night with Andersen was not favoured by the weather and the planned walk to the Military Museum in Borča did not take place, but the initial competition "Fairy Tale Carousel", which we borrowed from the TV screen, the small participants from the third grade of our primary school had fun. The fickle round allocating points was left standing several times on the borderline between Bankruptcy (meaning loss of all points) and 300 points, which was the highest score. Mrs. Milada Valova, the principal of the elementary school, was the judge for these controversial moments and the contestants tried to guess the names of the fairy tale bedtime stories using the added letters. After the end of the competition we went to the Library, parents wished the children good night and then the Library belonged to the little readers who cut and glued comics from magazines, read and played with the teacher Tanya Juchelkova and Mrs. Michaela Jakubíková. When everyone was hungry, they got a fresh hotdog and then we all waited to see if Mr. Andersen would visit us. And finally he really came! He went through the library, handed out candy and went back to his fairy tale world. Soon all that could be heard was the regular sighing of the sleepers and the occasional quiet whisper. After a while, even that stopped and everyone had what I hope were the most wonderful fairy tale dreams.

In the morning everyone had tea and cakes prepared by the children's mothers, and the bell rang and the fairy-tale night was over... But wait! First I have to thank everyone! So let's start in order - thank you to the little participants, their mothers for the delicious breakfast, to everyone who participated in the running and preparation of the competition, to the teacher Tania Juchelka and especially to Michaela Jakubikova and her family, without whom the Night with Andersen would not be what it is - fun and educational for young readers.

Ester Miniariková

Photo gallery 36 fotek


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