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First graders were made readers

3. July 2024 | Knihovna


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Ratibora's first graders were ceremoniously knighted as Knights of the Order of Reading.

On Wednesday, 19 June 2024, a ceremony for first-year readers took place at the library in Ratiboř. They were knighted by Knight Bedřich of Ratiboř, from the hands of the vice-mayor Michal Mrlina the children received a book and from both librarians a ceremonial certificate. Mrs. Zdenka Haplová, head of the Vsetín centre, also congratulated the librarian. The significance of the moment was confirmed by a champagne toast, which was bravely opened by the gentlemen present. At the end, the clever children remembered all the letters of the alphabet to find out where the mysterious box was hidden. We wish the children a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing them on the holiday days of July 17 and August 14, when the library will be open. 

Photo gallery 26 fotek


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