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The sleepover at the Ratiboř library was a success

2. June 2024 | Knihovna


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Fourth graders spent the night in the Ratiboř library

The traditional event "Night with Andersen" took place this year at a non-traditional time. On Friday, 31 May 2024 (2 months later than in other libraries) the night was also spent in the library in Ratiboř. A fun and educational evening was prepared for the quarters, which included birds, books, crafts, contests, and quizzes.

The children created their own dinner in a competition for the most beautiful sandwich and there was also an outdoor night scramble, which took place despite the inclement weather and late hour. Searching and cracking ciphers under the cover of darkness was an adrenaline rush for most of the children, but the greatest emotions were experienced at BINGO, during which the children recognized the birds already bravura. But the greatest experience was the actual sleeping among the shelves full of books. The youngest organizer Julinka also enjoyed the night and says hello to all her fans :) 

Photo gallery 21 fotek


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