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A seed exchange in the Ratiboř library

2. February 2024 | Knihovna


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From February 2024 a seed exchange will be available at the Ratiboř library.

A seed exchange - seed room - will be available in the Ratiboř library from February. 

Seedbeds work on a similar principle to libraries, but instead of borrowing books, you bring home a selection of seeds and if you get a crop, you can bring some of it back in the autumn. Didn't produce? No problem, you can bring back a different variety, we emphasize that the seeds are from the home environment, without sprays and artificial fertilizers, in short, organic quality. At the same time, we also accept seeds from growers who have a surplus and simply want to share their seeds :)

Plakát A seed exchange in the Ratiboř library

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