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Matching first graders to readers

10. August 2023 | Knihovna


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Reading test for first graders

At the end of the school year, first-graders are usually subjected to a symbolic reading test so that they can finally take a vow and become knights of the reading order. In this school year, this happened on 6/21 in the municipal library in the presence of Mr. Mayor Martin Žabčík, Milady Valová, headmistress of ZŠ, and knight Bedřich Vsetínský from Masaryk's Vsetín public library. The children helped us find a reading pledge that snarled the naughty library elf Franta Pidižvík, and after that nothing stood in the way of the ceremonial passing, as part of which the children also received a book for first graders called Hamster in Flight. We hope that the new knights of reading will like the cute book and will read it all over the holidays.

For a team of librarians

Jana Vaculíková / librarian

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