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Board game

9. April 2022 | Knihovna


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Board game in the library

Three times already, afternoons with board games for young and old have been held in the Ratibor library. We usually start at 4:00 p.m. and play until the evening, and during the afternoon we always have a large selection of board games from the Vsetin library, which has its own collection of 900 different games.

The collection of games available for loan in the Ratiboř library is modest, about 20, so we borrow new and interesting games through the interlibrary loan service (MVS) from Vsetín. We are happy to provide this service to our readers, and not only for board games.

During the 2022 holidays, you can look forward to board games on July 20 and August 18. If the weather is good, we will play outside in the open air in the parish garden, if it rains, then in the club room of the library. A book sale will also be prepared for you on these days. We thank all our readers for their patronage, for finding their way to the library for new and new stories and information, and last but not least, for returning books honestly. Whether it's on time or later, the main thing is that we have them under the roof again. Jana and Alena Vaculíkov / librarian

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