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Pearl hunters collected 290 pearls in Ratiboř

2. February 2023 | Knihovna


Article title

On 1st of February 2023, the evaluation of the year-long reading project took place.

Pearl Hunters is the name of a reading competition that can be implemented in any library. Readers receive a pearl for reading the book "The Pearlcatchers" and completing the attached sheet. In the Ratiboro library, the beads were collected from March 1 until the end of 2022, and 37 readers collected a total of 290 beads.

The three most successful readers received the "best bead supercatcher" and beautiful book prizes from the Ratiboř municipality. All collectors who had more than 10 beads were then awarded the title of "supercatcher" and could choose from cute crocheted animals made especially for them by the participants of the regular "Knitting with the Library" meetings.


1st place - Verunka and Barunka Ordelt - 55 pearls
2nd place - Šimon Horák - 36 pearls
3rd place - Terezka Strbačková - 33 pearls

The title of "superhunter" went to:

4th place - Kubík Dřevojánek - 18 pearls
5th place - Danek Rožnovják - 17 pearls
6th place - Maruška Flachsová - 16 pearls
7th place - Sárinka Hendrychová - 13 pearls
8th place - Anička, Danielka and Bětuška Slováček - 13 pearls
9th place - Bělinka Hendrychová - 11 pearls.

The whole competition is mainly to motivate reading, but thanks to the prepared questions children learn to work with text and information. All participants can collect their collected pearls until the end of February and we will start again from 1 March 2023.

Photo gallery 9 fotek


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