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We lit up Ratiboř

Datum: 31. October 2020

Parents Club

Article title

On Saturday 31 October 2020 from 6 pm we lit up the whole of Ratiboř together with children using lanterns, pumpkins and lanterns that were placed in front of houses, gardens, balconies or windows.

Update 31 Oct 2020
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in this event - our Ratiboř was beautiful. A few photos from parents on FB below...

The Ratiboř Kindergarten and Primary School Parents' Club is organising a Light up Ratiboř event on Saturday 31 October 2020 from 6pm.
Instead of the klsicka lantern parade, let's light up the whole Ratiboř with our children by using lanterns, pumpkins and lanterns, which we will place in front of our houses, on our gardens, balconies or windows.
Help us to create a pleasant autumn atmosphere at least in this way...
We will be very happy if you document your decoration together with your children and then share it on the FB of the municipality as a comment to this post and also on instagram with #obecratibor :-)
Plakát We lit up Ratiboř

Photo gallery 13 fotek


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