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Lanternade 2018

27. November 2018 | Klub rodičů

Parents Club

Article title

On Friday, November 2, 2018, the traditional Lampionáda took place.

The meeting was at the kindergarten, where a lot of children with their parents and lighted lanterns gathered. As in previous years, the route of the lantern parade was along side streets and lined with lighted lanterns and carved pumpkins. The lanterns, pumpkins and lanterns in the darkened village beautifully lit the way for the entire parade, which started from the nursery past Javoříki, through the road to Janíčky towards Kosiska, where it turned at the crossroads near Gabryš to the cemetery, and to the garden of the old rectory, where the parade ended and refreshments were served. As a surprise, a firework display was prepared for everyone at the end, which added a beautiful finishing touch to the whole parade. The weather was nice and we were pleased that besides children and parents, other people from the village joined the evening lantern walk.

We would like to thank the willing parents for their help in organizing and creating the lanterns and pumpkins, SDH Ratiboř for their help in decorating the route, Mr. Martin Tlašek for the amazing fireworks and the Municipality of Ratiboř for their support.

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