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Children's Carnival 2015

28. February 2015 | Klub rodičů

Parents Club

Article title

On 28 February 2015, a children's carnival was held in the agricultural cooperative in Ratiboř.

Although the organizers were worried whether any children would come at all because of the high sickness rate, their fears did not come true. All sorts of real and fairytale creatures appeared and everyone had a good time together. The carnival was different from previous carnivals, which was mainly due to the Musil family. They arranged the music, also arranged the face painting and came up with the idea of a children's corner, which in turn was appreciated by the parents of young children. The biggest success with the children was of course the magician, who also made the adults smile. I would like to thank the Ratiboř Municipality because thanks to their sponsorship, the Musil family's idea could come true. I would also like to thank all those who helped with the preparation, running and cleaning of the carnival, and we must not forget about ZD Mír Ratiboř, which lent us the premises so that the carnival could take place. The most important thing is that the carnival was enjoyed by those for whom it was intended - OUR CHILDREN

On behalf of SRPŠ Ratiboř Mirka Zbranková

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