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Datum: 11. November 2023 - 10. December 2023

Parents Club

Article title

Haunted trails for young and old adventurers alike!

Winners draw

Video of the draw of the winners of the Haunted Stories trail has been uploaded. Please make an appointment to pick up your prize by calling 737 085 723. Congratulations to the winners and we look forward to seeing you on future trails!

Noemi & Evča & Janča :-)

ATTENTION trail extended until 10/12/2023


Ratiboro's mischievous elves, Ratacek and Franta Pidizvik, collected spooky stories for young and old, and since they didn't want to keep them to themselves, they made two short trails for you, together with the Parents Club and the library, for young and old daredevils!

The trails are open to you from 11/11/2023 to 3/12/2023.

My dad helped create the trail for smaller kids, so don't expect any gore or scares :-) The stations can be found around the hunting lodge in Červeny and are accessible via the Actionbound mobile app, which will take you to all the scarecrows and their stories.

Franta Pidizvík has created a trail for the more adventurous, which you can find around the cemetery and the church. The stations are accessible via the Actionbound mobile app, which will take you to all the places with ghost stories.
We recommend walking the trail in the later afternoon, we hope you're not scared. :-)

We will draw the winners of the spooky prizes after the end of the game period.

Parents are responsible for their children throughout the event.

Plakát TERRIBLE STORIES - Winners draw

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