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Announcement of the results of the DHR 2020 survey

3. March 2021 | Hasiči


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2nd place in the North Moravia region for Ratiboř firefighters!

The expert jury awarded fifty units and volunteer fire brigades from all over the Czech Republic for professionally performed interventions and preventive and socially beneficial activities.This prestigious award, which is given once a year, was presented to the volunteer firefighters in the presence of the patrons of the survey Ilona Csáková Petr Rychlý and Ondřej Vetchý. With regard to preventive protection measures, the announcement of the 10th annual Volunteer Firefighters of the Year Survey had to take place without an audience in the hall and without representatives and partners or cooperating organisations, thanks to which the finalists took away financial and material gifts worth more than CZK 2,500,000.

In the category of Volunteer Fire Brigades in the North Moravia region, the Ratiboř unit came in 2nd place! Thank you all for your support in the public vote.

Category JSDH in the North Moravia region
1. Bělkovice - Lašt'any OLK 752 votes
2. Ratiboř ZLK 744 votes
3. Havířov - Životice MSK 704 votes
4. Kopřivnice MSK 700 votes
5. Studénka MSK 532 votes

Source, more information, complete results and photos on the website

Photo gallery 5 fotek

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