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From the activities of firefighters in the village

30. June 2020 | Hasiči


Article title

Second quarter of this year

I think we could assess the past three months as very challenging for all of us. We are glad that you have remained positive, tolerated the regulations and had a smile on your face during this time, even if, for example, we rang the bell only in the evening when we were delivering disinfectants. I believe that you all survived this crisis situation in good health and we can slowly start again with our traditional events in the village.

When we could not meet at the traditional Candlemas, we at least lit fires in honour of the liberation of the village to the sound of the siren. We won't be able to make Soptík's Day this year either, but we are looking forward to August 21 when we will be hosting a dance party. Our competition team is also happy to be ready in full force for the first competition in Pozděchov this year.

A big thank you to Mrs. Nepustilova, NETEX Group s.r.o., for the sponsorship gift of firefighter t-shirts.

Exit unit
  • 3/18/2020 - after the fire of 3/16/2020 a stump fire was declared. Upon arrival of the unit, two additional fires were discovered and disposed of.
  • 19/4/2020 - fire at Prefix
  • 3 June 2020 - removal of dangerous insects
  • 12 Jun 2020 - removal of dangerous insects
  • 14 June 2020 - removal of dangerous insects

Bc. Tereza Staňková
Executive Director of SDH

Photo gallery 8 fotek


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