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Ten firefighting units dealt with a forest fire in Ratiboř

16. March 2020 | Hasiči


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On March 16, 2020, shortly before one o'clock in the afternoon, the regional firefighters' operations centre received notification of a rubisko fire

Gradually, units of professional and volunteer firefighters from the immediate area began to converge on the scene.

Shortly after their arrival, the intervention commander had already declared a level II fire alarm and thirteen water tankers arrived at the scene. The intervention is very complicated by strong winds, which constantly blow the fire and the poorly accessible terrain. The intervention commander has requested additional reinforcement units to the site.

Now the fire is being destroyed by a total of ten units, namely professional firefighters from Valašské Meziříčí, Vsetín and Zlín and volunteer units from Hošťálková, Jablůnky, Kateřinice, Pržna, Ratibor, Valašská Polanka and Vsetín.

The fire affected an area of one square kilometre, where dry grass and rubble are burning. After the arrival of reinforcement units, the intervention commander declared a level III fire alarm. (LJ) Show more+2

Fire Brigade of the Zlín Region

Article and photo taken from:

Many thanks and compliments today go not only to our volunteer firefighters, but to all the corps that helped to manage the large fire in Červeny, which extended to Kateřinice and Pržna.

Martin Žabčík
Mayor of Ratiboř

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