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Semi-finals of the Youth League

24. June 2021 | Fotbalisti


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Ratiboř/Katerinice (combined team) - Kelč 7: 3 (3:1)

Goals: Metoděj Černý 3, Adam Filip 2, Jiří Karlík, Matyáš Macík

"I was worried in the morning whether we would be able to pull it together. There were six of us. In the end, we made it and went into the game excited. We had a great start to the game and were up 2-0 in the 10th minute. Even though we humbled our opponents by four goals, Kelč didn't play badly at all. We were very productive in the end," said coach Josef Mikula after the match.


Top row from left : Jan Dančák, Metoděj Černý, Jan Hastík, Tomáš Dřevojánek, Vojtěch Mikula, Jan Vrba, Jan Čablík, Josef Mikula.
Bottom row from left : Jan Matula, Štěpán Mrlina, Adam Filip, Jiří Karlík, Tomáš Janota, Jan Krkoš, Matyáš Macík, Jakub Hrabica, Mirek Mika.

Plakát Semi-finals of the Youth League

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