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Early termination of football competitions 2020/21

6. May 2021 | Fotbalisti


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from the 3rd league down, including youth competitions...

On the basis of the schedule of the release by the state institutions, the VV FAČR at its meeting on Tuesday 4 May 2021 was forced to approve the termination of the unplayed competition year 2020/21.

"We fought until the last moment to allow the non-professional competitions to finish. For this reason, we have also constantly come up with new and new variations of scenarios so that we can play the required number of matches and ensure the regularity of the competitions. At the moment when other sports blew the competitions, we still believed and fought. However, we are in the first week of May and the possibility of full training of clubs is still not even allowed, so now we have to sadly state that even football competitions will no longer be able to finish", says Martin Malík, the president of the FAČR.

In its decision, the FAČR VV also took into account the fact that after a long playing and training break, it is not possible to implement the restart of competitions without a significant risk of player injuries due to the lack of joint preparation of players in the clubs.

"The health of the players is and will always be our priority. Indeed, we are now at a point in time where the schedule of competitions from the CFL and MSFL downwards cannot be implemented, including the much needed training process that would precede the restart. It is of course all the sadder that this is the second season in a row when non-professional competitions have had to be prematurely terminated", recalls FAČR Secretary General Jan Pauly.

Nevertheless, the FAČR hopes that the end of competitions does not automatically mean the end of the football season. In this spirit, the association is also ready to help clubs with the implementation of possible tournaments of individual clubs at OFS and KFS falling within the 2020/21 season.

"The FAČR Board also decided today that in the case of the implementation of such tournaments, if they are allowed in terms of hygienic release, it will reimburse the clubs for the costs of referees under predetermined rules, so that we as the umbrella organization of amateur football can contribute at least to some extent to the real return of football to the field and at the same time help prepare players for the new season," adds FAČR President Martin Malík.

Football Association of the Czech Republic
Atletická 2474/8, 169 00 Prague 6

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