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Activities of Ratiboř breeders

8. June 2020 | Chovatelé


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Members of the organisation and their achievements

The organisation has ten members as of 1 January 2020, one of whom is a young breeder. The composition of the committee is basically the same, namely: the chairman is Mrs Zgabajová M., the managing director is Mrs Všetička M., the treasurer is Mrs Zbranková M., the revision is carried out by Ing. Mátlová P. A member of the district committee is Mr Všetička as executive director and Mr Ing. Mátlová as treasurer. Pr. Všetička is also a member of the district professional committee of rabbit breeders, where he performs the function of district registrar. This can certainly be considered a high rating for the members of our ZO, given that there are approximately 200 members in eleven organisations within the district.

Achievements and awards

Our core business is mainly animal husbandry and our members are all rabbit breeders. It can be stated that the breeding is thriving for the members as evidenced by the show results. Therefore, I would like to inform you about these results:

  • Ex. Zgabajová exhibited at the district show in Hošťálková, where she won the CAC for her collection of rabbits Alaska, and her female won the award Champion 0,1.
  • Př. Vítková Z. exhibited her rabbits kuní velké modré, where she got ČC. She also exhibited at the shows in Hutisk, Malhotice and Vsetín, where she also received a CAC.
  • Př. Vítek L. got in Hošťálková a CAC for male rabbit Mecklenburg and also got a CAC at the show in Vsetín.
  • We cannot forget their son Vitek M., a young breeder, who exhibited his rabbits of the black tanner breed in Hošťálková and this collection was evaluated as a winner. These are remarkable results for the Vitek family.
  • In addition, in Hošťálková also exhibited Mr. Vadel, who also won the CAC.
  • At the district show there was a competition of ZO and our ZO won this competition. At the district show our ZO was never so successful.
  • As the last one we can mention Mr. Všeticka, who won the CAC for his collection of large light silver rabbits at the exhibition in Vsetín.
  • The breeders took part in the presentation at the Village of the Year 2019 competition, where they showed a small collection of rabbits. This demonstration was evaluated positively by the evaluators, but was especially liked by the children.

Miroslav Všetička
Chairman of the breeders

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