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Local group of the Czech Red Cross

18. December 2019 | Červený kříž

Red Cross

Article title

The first year in the countryside

At the beginning of the year we applied for the establishment of a local Czech Red Cross group in Ratibor and our application was approved. This organization has been active in our village before and we are now bringing it back to life.

Our activities are mainly focused on spreading first aid awareness and also presenting the Czech Red Cross, but we are also trying to work in other ways and elsewhere. Our current local group has a total of 6 members, 3 of whom are paramedics on the Recovery Paramedic course. This year we have medically supervised 4 cultural events organised by the village where we have treated 5 patients. We are happy that all our patients survived in good health! We also spread awareness of first aid with the Boy Scouts and the jiu-jitsu fighting troop. The Young Paramedic summer club was also a great success and we are looking to run this again in 2020.

During the Feast Fair, we recruited for the bone marrow donor registry and managed to sign up 6 new donors, to whom we thank very much once again! And our plans for the new year? That's very simple... We will continue our activities! We are currently working on finding information about our former Red Cross members in Ratibor and would like to organize an afternoon together over a cup of coffee and a bunch of memories. For our upcoming young medics we will organize a collection of dressing material, which is no longer used by our fellow citizens and which we, on the other hand, will use when teaching first aid. We would also like to extend the awareness to kindergarten and primary school. We also plan to do a "Blood Drive", where we will go together to donate blood. In any case, we will be recruiting new members who have the desire and energy to share our enthusiasm!

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