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Autumn run in Ratiboř 7. 11. 2021

15. November 2021 | Běžci


Article title

7. 11. 2021, 8:30. Sunday morning, sunny, about 5 °C. We are standing in front of the kindergarten in Ratibor and looking around. So where shall we go? On the cycle path? Into the forest? The sunny hill and the meadow above the kindergarten attract our attention from the beginning. It's decided, let's go up the hill. We stop, take pictures, and up the hill. We look around the landscape, we breathe... and up the hill. You can see the route between the photos. With "love" breaks, we made it to Křížový. And it's worth it. Before we head back down, we write in the summit book. In the end, thanks to the stops, our feet don't hurt too much. We take home a good feeling of movement and a pleasant start to our Sunday.

So maybe next time...

On behalf of Runners Ratiboř

Photo gallery 8 fotek


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