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Sokol Run of the Republic - Jablunka, 2021

10. November 2021 | Běžci


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When something is good, it should be praised! The Sokol Run of the Republic in Jablunka was definitely such a run.
The day was just as painted, although it was cold and a bit foggy for the morning races of the children. However, this quickly melted away with the sun's rays.
The children raced in three age categories, the first two of which were "our racers" and we dominated the top positions in both categories! Rozárka and Adélka both took home top positions and very nice prizes. Ondra was not so fast, but he tried and fought until the end.
In the afternoon was the main adult race, but we were not looking forward to it. I drove my family home, managed to have lunch and arrived back to Jablonka on my bike. There might have been about three dozen racers at the start line, but that didn't detract from the quality of the race. The route was very nice, it led uphill above the school and then converged down to Jablonka...well, in the end it was 2nd place in the category. I don't bet on the box, so I was very happy about that ????.
The race was very nice and enjoyable. Organized with a sporting heart. There was a very friendly atmosphere and we really enjoyed the children's race and then I enjoyed the adult race. I will be very happy to include this race in my "running calendar".
Petr Zubicek

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