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K5 - race over 5 kunovice peaks

20. May 2021 | Běžci


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Nice route and excellent organization....

On Friday 11th June the first race of this year's DTB series - K5, a run over 5 Kunovice peaks took place. The race was as always perfectly prepared, with a beautiful route and great facilities. Even the weather was good. The original plan to go in four unfortunately failed, so it was just me and Dan Krejcir. I have to say that this year we enjoyed the race immensely, and because we were not in a hurry, we stayed for a bit of the fairy tale screening.

In a month we have the Run the Woods race in Lednice and the duathlon in Kunovice :), so let's get to training.


Hi, today we started the registration for a great race K5 - a run over 5 peaks in Kunovice, which can be done as a march
It's a short distance through Lazy, the route is very nice and the organization is perfect - we still have space in the car and there are a lot of you running around the village, so check out the web, register and come and try it...

If anyone wants to join, let me know on +420 734 114 861.
Petr Zubicek

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