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Do you like running? Do you enjoy exercise? Join us for a run from Ratibor to the water treatment plant and back.
So we went for a run. There weren't many of us, but someone did join us. Not only adults, but also children, and I must say that we had no problems. We ran about 3.2 kilometers, which is 2 miles. By the way, the same distance is run at the "Pancake Run"(2 mile run, in Zlin), which is organized regularly once a month by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team.
We extended our route to the Prefix, as opposed to the original plan - to the water treatment plant, and came back along a slightly muddy forest path that runs next to the road to Ratibor.
See you again sometime. I think we can enjoy stretching our legs for a while :-)
Meeting on 30th September 2020 at 6 pm at the Christmas tree in Ratiboř.
For more information contact Peti Zubicek on +420 734 114 861
We look forward to seeing you
Runners Ratiboř