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Datum: 6. June 2020


Article title

Evening light run for adults and children

I found out about the Run for the Chicken on TV during the Easter Concert for the Chicken. I thought it was a good idea, I registered and sent it to Štěpa Janíček asking if he would post it on FB, saying that if someone would join it would be great... Well, Štěpa took it in a different style and made it a "hurrah" event, where over 40 people gathered :) I must admit that I was pleased and very pleasantly surprised. We met on Saturday, June 6, before 9 o'clock in the evening in the parking lot by the Christmas tree. Those who registered and contributed had a bib directly from the organizers of this national event. Others got a number on the spot along with glow sticks so it could be a real Neon Run. Then we set off, each at our own pace, towards the treatment plant and back. Someone ran, someone walked or rode a scooter. It didn't matter so much which way they moved, but that they participated and supported the Help the Children Foundation.

Those who completed the route and didn't rush home helped create a photo that Stepa then posted on Instagram of the Neon Run for Chicken. I don't know if they were impressed by the photo with the Neon Run sign lit up or the fact that so many of us were there, but the organizers' comment on the Instagram photo was very nice and heartwarming :) "Awesome, we are so excited for you. We are happy to donate the entry fee for Neon Run 2020. You can send a bus to Prague if you'd like." They emailed me to confirm that they'll leave us 30 free entry fees. It's a bit of a challenge now how to handle it and how to organize it :) The run proposition doesn't look bad at all, so if anyone is interested in making the trip to Prague on Saturday 29 Aug 2020, email me at - it would be a shame not to take advantage :)

For more information about the Neon Run visit

Petr Zubicek

Photo gallery 18 fotek


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