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Hošťálková 50

11. September 2022 | Běžci


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10. 9. 2022

This year, and actually for the first time, Dan, Marcel and I decided to take part in a long bike race. For some people it's a normal ride, for us... going beyond our comfort zone :-). The Hošt'álska 50 is a very nice and well organized race with an almost family atmosphere. The route was challenging and led through places I've never been.

Somehow we didn't dare last year, but this year we were very keen and did very well. It was hard work, but rewarded with a beautiful, hard to describe feeling. The weather was perfect and the beer and goulash at the finish line was a great end to the race. Very emotional was the finish of the 14-year-old Miss Janče V. from Ratibor, who managed to complete the whole 52 km long route. She reached the finish line to the great applause of all those who were in the area of the football field. I was proud that she was from Ratibor. I hope and believe that we will meet next year with the whole group of Okolo hor, at the next edition of this great race.

Petr Zubicek
734 114 861

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