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Article title
Rallye Zlín, spol. s r.o., IČO 46965564, Hornomlýnská 3715, 760 01 Zlín 1 (hereinafter referred to as "the applicant") concerning the authorisation of a complete closure of traffic on local roads in Zlín, roads of the 2nd and 3rd class and publicly accessible special-purpose roads in the administrative district of Zlín, in the scope according to the attached situations in due time:
- RZ 1 Municipal RZ Zlín from 26.08.2022 at 16.30 p.m. closure of the line until 27.08.2022 at 01:00 a.m. opening of the line and for the preparatory run (public transport vehicles will be allowed to pass and buses will be allowed to leave AN) from 25.08.2022 at 22:45 p.m. closure of the line until 26.08.2022 at 01:30 a.m. opening of the line
- RZ 2, 5 Březová from 27.08.2022 at 07:01 a.m. closure of the line until 27.08.2022 at 21:15 p.m. opening of the line
- RZ 3, 6 Držková from 27.08.2022 at 08:09 a.m. track closure until 27.08.2022 at 22:23 p.m. track opening
- RZ 9, 12 Maják from 28.08.2022 at 06:05 a.m. track closure until 28.08.2022 at 18:15 p.m. track opening
- RZ 10, 13 Pindula from 28.08.2022 at 07:08 a.m. track closure until 28.08.2022 at 19:38 p.m. track opening