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Forgotten Fates

Ctibor Čermák

Forgotten Fates

The story of the partisan "Boris" (by his own name Ctibor Čermák), who died tragically here...

The memorial with an information panel stands near the place of the tragic death of the partisan "Boris" by his own name Ctibor Čermák. You will learn about his life story, his participation in partisan activities and his tragic death. The site is easily accessible from the nearby local road...

The panel was co-operated by: VHÚ Praha, Mgr. Zdeněk Pomkla (SOkA Vsetín), PhDr. Tomáš Baletka, PhD (director of SOkA Vsetín), Zdeněk Adámek (chronicler of Hluboke Mašůvek), PhDr. Jan Břečka (MZM Brno), researcher Stano Bursa (Bratislava), SOkA Zlín, SOkA Znojmo, PhDr. Jakub Doležal (Archive of the Office of the President of the Republic), Pavel Drábek, Moravian Museum Brno, Jan Pácal (researcher in the field of German units).

Photo gallery 4 fotek

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