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Ratiboř benches

At the crossroads in Kobelny

Ratiboř benches

Covered seating area near the monument to priest Jan Maniš.

In the hillside, on the place where the homestead of the important evangelical priest Jan Maniš used to stand, there is a monument to him. More about the life of the preacher can be found on the info panel at the monument.

On the right at the end of the valley there was a ski lift built in 1984. After 1990 it was dismantled and moved to Vsacky Cáb. The former lift hut is now privately owned. The road to the left (with a barrier) can be continued to the Hološín valley.

The Kobelný valley is a bountiful spring and was an important source of drinking water for the whole village. Currently the village is connected to the water supply from Stanovnica.

Towards Ratiboř, on the left side of the road, there is a wooden cottage that used to be the cottage of Rusín Michal Kričfaluši (1921-1994). He went through the Gulag, the battles of World War II and reached the rank of general. He was discharged from the army in 1968 for his political views and was rehabilitated in 1990.

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