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Today is 23. February 2025 and it's Svatoplukday -2°C | Tomorrow Matěj 9°C
Ratiboř benches

Above the Village

Ratiboř benches

Seating with a beautiful view of the valley and also up to Radhošt'.

The neighbourhood is called V Rokytí. If you go down about 10 m below the bench to the meadow, you will see Radhošt' (1129 m) on the horizon to the right.

To the right, the slope drops into the Kobelný valley. The first small ridge - Kosiska. The TJ Sokol Ratiboř plays on the grassy football field. In the valley is the modernised Pension HORA, formerly Motel Zátopek (family connection of the original owners to Emil and Dana Zátopek).

The slope to the left descends into the Spíval valley. At the end of the valley, a memorial stone and four symbolic crosses were unveiled in 2019 at the site of the execution of four Vařák's residents at the end of World War II. An information panel next to the stone tells about the fate of those executed.

To the left in the valley is the village of Hošťálková and above Hošťálková on the distant horizon you can see the Maruška lookout tower (664 m).

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