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Today is 29. March 2025 and it's Taťánaday 13°C | Tomorrow Arnošt 10°C
Ratiboř benches

Above Nepeklov

Ratiboř benches

Sitting at the upper end of the village of Ratiboř, just above the HORA guesthouse.

On the left you can see family houses located in a small valley called V Nepeklov. On the right in the valley is the village of Hošťálková. At the bottom of the Nepeklov valley you can visit the Pension HORA, formerly the Motel Zátopek (family connection of the original owners to Emil and Dana Zátopek).

At the top, about 500 m above the bench, you can get on the red hiking trail in the vicinity of Kosice, which will lead you either in the direction of Končiny, Bludný, Maruška and Troják, or at Končiny in the opposite direction to Čečetkov, Lázy, Kateřinice, Prženské paseky.

The opposite largest valley is the Spívalova dolina at the end of which a memorial stone and four symbolic crosses were unveiled in 2019 at the place of execution of four inhabitants of the Vařákské pasky at the end of World War II. An information panel next to the stone tells about the fate of those executed.

The main opposite forest ridge - from the left Křížový (670 m), followed by Ratibořský Grůň (678 m) and Drastihlava (695 m). Even higher, but already in Hošťálková, is Humenec (703 m).

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