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Today is 23. February 2025 and it's Svatoplukday -2°C | Tomorrow Matěj 9°C
Ratiboř benches

Above the Dolins

Ratiboř benches

Bench with a wide view of the surroundings

Left "Dolinka". The steep slope with a gentle reach has in the past become the venue for sledging races of the local primary school. One of the most successful ones was in 1983. Today, there are houses on the site of the former finish line. The local older "wrestlers" used to build huge ski jumps out of snow on the steep slope and reached several tens of metres in their ski jumps.

In front of us the Red Valley, above it the Prženské paseky. Seemingly the highest point on the horizon of Kateřinice is Mount Ojičná (652 m), then the settlement of Lázy, on the left the highest mountain Čečetkov (687 m).

On the far right horizon, in good visibility you can see Radhošt' (1129 m) with the Chapel of St. Cyril and Methodius.

If you descend about 10 m below the bench, you will see the Maruška lookout tower (664 m) in the distance on the left.

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