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RECONSTRUCTION of the bridge at Zahradník's

24. August 2022 | Ratiboř

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From 21 February to 23 August 2022 the bridge at Zahradníky was closed for reconstruction.

At the beginning of March, the TM Stav company started reconstruction of the bridge at Zahradníky. Before demolishing the bridge, it was necessary to relocate the water supply system. A new temporary pipe curtain was made across the stream and fitted with valves on both sides of the bank so that the curtain could be adjusted at any time without restricting the water supply to other parts of the village. Now the foundations under both footings of the bridge have been dredged and concreted and the technological break is underway. During the rebuilding, a partial relocation of the sewer will also have to be done.

At the end of August, work was completed on the bridge U Zahradníků, which was completely reconstructed. The total cost of the repair amounted to CZK 5 966 292. We received a grant for the construction from the Ministry for Regional Development of the Czech Republic in the amount of CZK 4 070 529. The design work was carried out by the design office MSS-projekt s.r.o., the designer of the bridge was Mr. Lukáš Machálek. The entire construction was carried out by TM Stav s.r.o.

Photo gallery 45 fotek


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