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Let's clean up Ratiboř 2022

Datum: 26. March 2022

Article title

A day of cleaning the village and the surrounding countryside was held on 26 March 2022.

With the arrival of spring, we regularly organize the Clean up Ratiboř event in our village. This year was no different. We gathered on Saturday 26 March 2022 behind the municipal office building, where participants could choose individual sections across the entire village. At the same time, everyone was equipped with work gloves and garbage bags. Cleaning was carried out in the centre of the village, the beds of the Ratibořka and Kateřinka streams, as well as individual valleys of Kobelné, Hološín, Borčí and Červené, around the roads to Kateřinice and the ditches around the main road below the village. Volunteers also walked around and picked up all the litter on the old road and cycle path. The working morning was finished in the garden of the kindergarten, where barbecues and small refreshments were prepared for everyone. Approximately 60 volunteers took part in this year's event.

The best assessment of the clean-up was made by Petr Mynařík, who upon arriving at the nursery stated, "It's not what it used to be, there is less and less rubbish,
People don't throw away so much anymore" :-)

As the clean-up is held regularly every year, we see that the waste is really decreasing. The years of trash that has been lying on the banks of the creeks and around the roads has long since been picked up and the trash that is generated throughout the year is being cleaned up. This is also reflected in the number of bags collected, which is gradually decreasing.

Many thanks to everyone who came and helped. Thanks to you, the village is a little bit prettier again for spring.

Martin Žabčík


Let's have a nice day together cleaning the village and the surrounding nature. The meeting of all interested parties will be behind the municipal office on Saturday, 26 March 2022 at 9.00 am.

For more information contact Michal Mrlina / +420 603 505 096

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